The most secure cloud is your computer


Published on September 7, 2022 by ilDon

When it comes to data storage, security is a big concern. No matter what information you store, you want to make sure that it is safe and secure. Even trivial information is now worth a lot of money, and it is used to profile users. So you want to make sure that your data is safe. Even more, when dealing with important data hackers and other bad actors will try to get their hands on it, and you want to make sure that they can't.

The question then is: what is the most secure cloud storage? To answer this question, first we need to clarify what “cloud” means.

What is the cloud?

In short, the cloud is someone else's computer. Normally these computers acting as a cloud are located in a data center, and they are connected to the internet. This means that you can access them from anywhere in the world, as long as you have an internet connection.

Technically speaking, these computers are servers. And the data center is a building where many servers are located. As a matter of fact the word “cloud” could not be further from what in the real world “the cloud” is. These data centers are not in the sky, but on the ground. And they are very much real, and not just a metaphor. In the picture below you can see an example of a data center.

data centre aerial view

This means that whenever you store your data "in the cloud", you are actually storing it on someone else's computer. And this is a big problem, because you have no control over what happens to your data. If the owner of the data center goes bankrupt, your data is gone. If the owner of the data center decides to rise the prices for storage, you have either to stop using the service or to pay more.

And then, even if the cloud provider is trustworthy and reliable, there's always the risk that some bad actor will hack into the data center and steal your data. This is a very real risk, and it has happened many times in the past.

Your computer is the most secure data storage

So, if you want to be sure that your data is safe, the most secure cloud is your computer. This is because you have full control over your computer. You can decide what to do with it, and you can decide what to do with your data. You can decide to encrypt your data, and you can decide to store it in a safe place. You can decide to backup your data, and you can decide to restore it in case of a disaster.

You might be thinking: "but then I can access my data only from my computer! The convenience of the cloud is that I can access my data from anywhere". And this would seem to be the case at first. But there's a way to have the best of both worlds.

If you keep a copy of all your data on your computer, you are always in control of what to do with it. This means that you can sync it between multiple devices however you choose to. You can use a cloud storage service like Dropbox, or you can use a decentralized storage service like IPFS. You can even use peer-to-peer communication to sync your data between devices. It's entirely up to you.

How Anita makes it easy to use your computer as a cloud

Anita is a tool that makes it easy to use your computer as a cloud. Although Anita is a web application, it actually fully works offline, and it only stores your data on your computer.

When you create a new project, Anita asks you where you want to store it on your computer. You can choose any folder you want, and you can even choose to store it on an external drive. This means that you can store your data in a safe place, and you can backup your data however you want to.

Each project is saved in a single file. This means that you can place each project in a different folder, and you can backup each project separately. This is very useful if you want to backup your data on a cloud storage service like Dropbox or Google Drive and share it with others.

The possibilities are endless, because you are in control. You can sync/share/backup your data however you want to. And you can do it without having to trust a third party.

If you haven't tried Anita yet, you can do it now for free. You can create a new project and start using it right away.